
Revealing the Concealed

Purim Message by Nalini Ibragimov – Purim Sameyach!

Megillat Esther translates into the Revelation of that which is Hidden.The ultimate concealment in this world is, of course, the concealment of the Creator Himself. In fact, Megillat Esther is the only book in all 24 books of Tanach that doesn’t mention God’s name, not even once. It’s the ultimate paradox because the entire book is about Him and His providence and how He runs the world. We know everything in the world is orchestrated by the Almighty and the Purim story is the ultimate expression of that. And yet, His name cannot be found. Anywhere. Not only during the decree of annihilation is God’s name not mentioned, but also after the salvation. The megillah doesn’t mention saying thank you to God, appreciating God, gratitude to God. Esther mentions fasting and prayer but she never says beseech God or pray to God. Mordechai doesn’t tell Esther, don’t worry about approaching King Achashveirosh, God will help you fulfill this mission. His name is not mentioned in any form or fashion.In Judaism, names are very significant. A name reflects the essence of a person and his unique mission in this world. The name Megillat Esther implies that the purpose and function of the Megillah is to reveal God. One would think that it may be useful to mention His name, at least once.Chazal tell us that Purim is the one holiday that will remain intact after Mashiach comes. It is the holiday where the Master of the World and the Jewish people held onto each other, even when there was great distance, both physically and spiritually. We had been exiled from Jerusalem, from the Temple. There was so much pain, infidelity and emotional turmoil between us. But God refused to let go, no matter what had transpired in that time of estrangement. Even when He banished us from His kingdom, He held onto the vision of unity and oneness, holding us and maneuvering the puppet strings throughout the exile and perhaps more acutely in the Purim story. Maybe God was like a Navy SEAL, going undercover to rescue us. His name wasn’t mentioned in the storyline or in the credits but He was running the show the entire time. He was the director and the producer. He concealed Himself but He was present in every scene. And perhaps, this is the message that we need to carry with us throughout our exile, the one message that we will commemorate even during the days of Mashiach. We must remember that even though there may be distance, even though I don’t see God, and I don’t hear His voice telling me which next step I should take, He is right here, holding, directing and orchestrating the events in my life.This year, more than ever, may we merit to strip the masks both literally and figuratively so we can reveal the panim, the faces which carry the penim, the inner truth of His hand governing the world. Wishing you a happy Purim and may you merit to feel and reveal God’s hidden hand in your life always.

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